Results of the 2014 Telephone Pioneer QSO Party

One advantage in doing the results for 2014 in January 2015, it gives us the chance to reflect on what transpired during the previous year. 2014 was no exception to the rule that our Telephone Pioneer group responded to the opportunity to get on the air and renew those old friendships. Though distance may separate us we still feel that we know the friends that we have met over the years.

The results show that participation was up, that reversed a trend that had occurred over the previous few years. We even picked some new operators that were able to join the fun.

There were discussions among the Telephone Pioneer QSO Party steering committee on how we may increase participation. In my opinion, I have never been too fussy about whether an operator was indeed a card carrying member of the pioneer organizations. The eligibility requirements have changed over the years, so it very difficult to say who is actually a pioneer. If the pioneer spirit is there then that qualifies them as far as I am concerned.

The scores were very interesting. The total point spread was very close among almost all of the entries. W4BXI John was first with a leading score in the phone category and high scorer overall. VE5AAD Chas led out Canadian friends. There were 28 chapters who submitted logs; with the Golden Gate Chapter leading the group followed the South Chapter.

I want to thank everyone who participated and especially all those who over the years have supported the Telephone Pioneer QSO Party. They served as sounding board to various suggestions on how to improve the event. A special thanks to Jim W4AXO for his fine logging program. There were many who submitted their logs using Jim’s program. It made my job easier!

73 Jim N6TP

2014 Results